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(#okvr5aa) @fastidious > The kind of exposure I referred to was developers. Skilled individuals that could join, and/or contribute to the project. Yarn needs that kind of exposure. That, I understand. 😃 I just don’t think that you’ll get that *just because* it’s hosted on GitHub. Hmm, maybe I’m misunderstanding or misusing the word “exposure”. 🤔 Sorry. What I mean by “exposure”: You make a painting and hang it on a wall of your apartment = little exposure, just the people that visit you at your home will see it. If you show the painting at an exhibition where there’s 10 other paintings and lots of visitors = large exposure. However, if there are 1000 other paintings at that exhibition = much less exposure, because it won’t stick out that much. To me, GitHub is like an exhibition of paintings but *everyone* can show up at any time and put their painting there, so there’s a *vast* number of paintings and *your* painting will hardly be noticed by anybody. So the mere fact that you’re at an exhibition doesn’t mean that you’ll get lots of exposure. I mean, I have discovered literally zero projects just because they’re on GitHub. I wouldn’t even know how that works. When I log into GitHub, I see this: First page of GitHub Only the stuff on the right where it say “explore repositories” is *new* to me. And it’s completely random – the chance of Yarn showing up there is basically zero. The rest, I already know about it. So how will I discover new and interesting projects that I never heard about? Am I supposed to visit the “stars” pages of the people that I follow and then check out those repos? And look at the list of followers of those people? 🤔 I don’t see how this is going to work out. Alright, there’s one thing: If one of the people that I follow “stars” a repo, I’ll get notified about that. Maybe something interesting shows up there. That depends *a lot* on which people you’re following, though, and there is absolutely no guarantee that something interesting is going to ever show up. *But!* @prologic already mentioned in the past that it’s different for him. Apparently, he *does* discover new projects on GitHub. So *maybe* I’m just not getting that platform and maybe I’m just using it wrong. That’s totally possible! 🤔

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(#okvr5aa) They are fair points. It could be one of these situations similar to how a privacy advocate might upload videos to YouTube - sheer audience, exposure etc. A small sacrifice to one's personal morals in order to get the most reach and hopefully have a net positive effect. That said, it would sure be nice if Copilot could be opted out of...

matched #kupq56a score:11.34 Search by:
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🤔 👋 **Reconsidering moving's development back to Github**: Speaking of which (_I do not forget_); @fastidious and I were discussing over a video call two nights ago, as well as @lyse who joined a bit later, about the the whole moved of all of my projects and their source code off of Github. Whilst _some_ folks do understand and appreciate my utter disgust over what Microsoft and Copilot did by blatantly scraping open source software's codebases without even so much as any attempt at attribution or respecting the licenes of **many** (_if not all?_) open source projects. That being said however, @fastidious makes a very good and valid argument for putting's codebases, repositories and issues back on Github for reasons that make me "torn" over my own sense of morality and ethics. But I can live with this as long as I continue to run and operate my new (_yet to be off the ground_) company "Self Hosted Pty Ltd" and where it operates it's own code hosting, servicesa, tools, etc. Plese comment here on your thoughts. Let us decide togetehr 🤗 #yarnsocial #github #opsnsource #copilot #microsoft

matched #okvr5aa score:11.34 Search by:
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(#okvr5aa) @movq Very neat comparison to the exhibition hall! I'm also not getting the platform, I can't think of a single cool project I discovered there. It was always another source. I also tried to look through the projects of other people and never found anything I wanted to contribute or even use. It was also a super exhausting process in retrospect. Maybe I have notifications disabled (I'm also too lazy to check), but I never got an e-mail when somebody I follow starred something. There's also the problem, that I don't get the follower thing for a source code hosting platform. I just don't understand the use case for that. Looks like they tried to make it a social media thing, too (and failed).

matched #omrxdaq score:11.34 Search by:
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