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(#nwas2lq) @prologic Despite me still hating both this and NFTs, which I'll probably hate forever (or as long as they keep being ab-used for "art"), some at least moved from Ethereum to Solana (), which I don't know too much abuse, but it seems to be a lot less energy hungry. ๐Ÿค”

matched #g7vwa6q score:12.14 Search by:
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(#nwas2lq) Someone answer me a dumb question about all these "companies" adopting some form of Cryptocurrency. Q: Are they all based on Proof-of-Work and a public Blockchain-based ledger? If so, aren't we going to make energy consumption even worse globally than it already is from Bitcoin mining and transaction verifications, thus contributing to the global CO2 crisis? ๐Ÿค” #CryptoCurrency #ClimageChange

matched #hllywca score:12.14 Search by:
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(#nwas2lq) Disclaimer: I like some parts of the Blockchain innovation, the tech possibilities. But then we arive to the knife dilemma. It can save a life or kill a person. I dislike that Crypto (along with buzzwords of the moment like meta verse) is about money and power, so it attracts people looking for easy opportunities and scams. I think it's not a black and white. Not everything is good, not everything bad. We were joking about Walmart directives asking the tech team... "Add 20% more of innovation, what 10% of meta verse and 10 of Crypto?" Sounds like that with PayPal

matched #ikeoloa score:12.14 Search by:
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