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(#l7l2iaq) @prologic I've been thinking for ages about doing something like this. Every commercial option I found requires Personal Information, has ads, and such. Maaaaybe there is a FOSS alternative, but I haven't found any yet. Doodle could be a Proof of Concept, but definitely not ideal.

matched #2iqtuja score:11.51 Search by:
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@prologic @eaplmx (#l7l2iaq) I'm not sure what are you looking for exactly, but framadate is (to me) quite more powerful than doodle, and free software... a rewrite was being worked on, but lacking contributors... you might see that as either a good or a bad thing!

matched #cmelspa score:11.51 Search by:
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(#l7l2iaq) @eaplmx Also I'm thinking... Can we build something similar to this, or fork something that's close and add IndieAuth support so we can sign-in with our respective pod accounts? ๐Ÿค” This _would be ideal_ as it means we preserve who we are without giving away any _actual_ personal information (PPII) -- I notice this tool wants your Name / Email Address (okay the name you can make up or use an alias) but the Email is a bit well questionable (sure you can get updates, but it would be nicer if it was Yarn native I guess?)

matched #cxtqkya score:11.51 Search by:
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