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Update on my Fibre to the Premise upgrade (FTTP). NBN installer came out last week to install the NTD and Utility box, after some umming and arring, we figured out the best place to install it. However this mean he wasn't able to look it up to the Fibre in the pit, and required a 2nd team to come up and trench a new trench and conduit and use that to feed Fibre from the pit to the utility box. I rang up my ISP to find out when this 2nd team was booked, only to discover to my horror and the horror of my ISP that this was booked a month out on the 2rd Feb 2024! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ After a nice small note from my provider to NBN, suddenly I get a phone call and message from an NBN team that do trenching to say it would be done on Saturday (today). That got completed today (despite the heavy rain). Now all that's left is a final NBN tech to come and hook the two fibre pieces together and "light it up"! ๐Ÿฅณ

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