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(#fml2g4a) @prologic this is going on for multiple pages on your pod, viewing in guest/logged out mode, so someone is following that feed I guess. I guess this leads into the question, do we need a way to automatically limit content that might be considered spam? ๐Ÿค” As in totally duplicate yarns like that one.

matched #4hr2oaa score:12.26 Search by:
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(#fml2g4a) @eldersnake > I guess this leads into the question, do we need a way to automatically limit content that might be considered spam? ๐Ÿค” As in totally duplicate yarns like that one. Well yes and no, the thing is; The Feed Cachee's `MaxCacheTTL` and `MaxCacheItems` already limit this kind of thing to a degree. The so-called "spam" will come and go as quickly as it came just be sheer fact of other activity.

matched #pwocg2q score:12.26 Search by:
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