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(#buwspta) @xuu The thing is we _actually_ ban Youtube at our home network because we as parents cannot trust the content that gets published there, nevermind the privacy problems with using the platform in the first place. So the only way I allow our children to watch Youtube videos is if I can go download them.

matched #4s6skba score:12.39 Search by:
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You're right @ullarah I just watched Australia Post Outrage: Did She Need To Go? and I do _believe_ I'll start adding this to my "watchlist" -- I don't use Youtube specifically (_because privacy eroding garbage_); but the content this guy produces is awesome! 👌 Scotty from marketing really needs to be fired! Can we even fire Prime Ministers besides calling an election? 🤔 The more you dig into our #Australian #Government the more you realize just how fucking corrupt they all are and have been over so many years. How?! 🤦‍

matched #buwspta score:12.39 Search by:
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(#buwspta) @ullarah Wait what?! 😳 There's a _thing_ I can use to Sync Youtube videos to Plex and skips the fucking ads and privacy eroding garbage that is Google™ ?! 🤔 Tell me you're joking? 🤣 -- See here's the thing, I will happily pay content creators for their efforts, I will not however give up my data and metadata to the likes of Google™ (_or any other tech giant that abuses my data to serve them_).

matched #comppna score:12.39 Search by:
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(#buwspta) The thing is though... On the note of #Hypocracy -- It's everywhere. Even in many corporate companies. Sometimes I tend to think when money is involved things like values and ethics just seem to get tossed out the window and the level of integrity of a lot of people these days seems to be at an all time low 😅 -- It's like someone once said to me: > If you're going to screw people over, at least do it well! Don't lie about it! Or: > If you're going to make money at least make a lot of it!

matched #pc2dzfa score:12.39 Search by:
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