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COP26: Fossil fuel industry has largest delegation at climate summit - BBC News Campaigners led by Global Witness assessed the participant list published by the UN at the start of this meeting. > They found that 503 people with links to fossil fuel interests had been accredited for the climate summit. > > These delegates are said to lobby for oil and gas industries, and campaigners say they should be banned. 🤬 #climatechange #cop26

matched #4iu7x7a score:12.14 Search by:
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(#4iu7x7a) @eldersnake You'd think so, but no. We have to waste Millions of $$$ of taxpayers money on Transportation and Accomodation and whatever else for these corrupt as fuck shucks who care nothing for the damage they're doing to the climate, and only their back pockets! 🤬 It's almost as if these folks don't know this thing ARAPA invented called "The Internet" and later CERN who created "The Web" 🤦‍♂️ Y'know the numerous Video Conferencing solutions that exist both SaaS and On-prem, but oh no we have to spend Millions flying them around the world just to "talk"!

matched #hbygfxa score:12.14 Search by:
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(#4iu7x7a) Don't forget to watch the Honest Government Ad | Net Zero by 2050 by @thejuicemedia posted here > We're actually going to get us all killed! > Blah blah blah > Which means the only way to keep our promises is to stop emitting Carbon (CO2) > Are we doing that? > God no! And in case you don't use Youtube™:

matched #kdwndgq score:12.14 Search by:
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(#4iu7x7a) @prologic Yeah, maybe someone should look into what was actually accomplished during all these summits and if they even have some meaning other than "oh, good time was had by all, we'll solve the issue next time". I've heard there was at least one positive things, where a better heating system, taking the heat from earth, rather than using electricity or gas for hearing, was showcased. I've seen these things before, used by people for themselves, but not many can afford the initial cost, even if it pays for itself overtime. If these was a network one could connect to for cheaper and more ecological heating solution, something might actually be accomplished. 🤔

matched #uqpn7na score:12.14 Search by:
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