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Trying to wrap my head around webfinger.. my first thoughts about it were that a subject of would have a listing of rel's for the different accounts that are related to me (ie. yarn, salty, twitter, mastodon, etc...) but maybe my thinking is at the wrong level.. that each of those accounts would be on a subject level and the rels are describing different aspects of that account. so i would have, twitter:acct:xuu,, and then i could have a main that links them together as aliases. I found okta will do something similar with its accounts to show as okta:acct:user@domain so maybe I am on to something?

matched #3rhsaxa score:11.56 Search by:
(#3rhsaxa) @xuu I'm not so convinced of this "prefixing" here... We're sort of euplidating that extra bit of information anyway in the `rel`(s) -- Maybe @abucci is right and we stick to the spirit of the spec and an alias is just that, another identifier that is the same as this one. For example in `yarnd` we could add support in Settings for adding other "identities" that are the same as your, so a webfinger for `` _could_ also have `` and `` as aliases?

matched #3xh2ooa score:11.56 Search by:
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(#3rhsaxa) @xuu So... From a practical perspective, wouldn't it make sense to have related identifiers that are "related" to the subject? Hence `rel`? If I were a user, I would expect to lookup only `` to find both my Yarn and Salty accounts and ways to follow or message me as such.

matched #5gagcea score:11.56 Search by:
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(#3rhsaxa) so in effect it would look something like this: ``` --- subject: aliases: - - - - --- subject: aliases: - links: - rel: self type: application/json+salty href: properties: "": xuu "": Jon Lundy "": kex140fwaena9t0mrgnjeare5zuknmmvl0vc7agqy5yr938vusxfh9ys34vd2p --- subject: links: - rel: properties: "": --- subject: links: - rel: properties: "": --- subject: ... ```

matched #6eskdea score:11.56 Search by:
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(#3rhsaxa) @xuu that doesn't seem to fit the spirit of the spec, at least by my read (I could be wrong obv). The example on Wikipedia's webfinger page, ```json { "subject": "", "aliases": [ "" ], "properties": { "": "employee" }, "links": [{ "rel": "http://webfinger.example/rel/profile-page", "href": "" }, { "rel": "http://webfinger.example/rel/businesscard", "href": "" } ] } ``` and then the comparison with how mastodon uses webfinger, ```json { "subject": "", "aliases": [ "", "" ], "links": [ { "rel": "", "type": "text/html", "href": "" }, { "rel": "self", "type": "application/activity+json", "href": "" }, { "rel": "", "template": "{uri}" } ] } ``` suggests to me you want to leave the `subject`/`acct` bit as is (don't add prefixes) and put extra information you care to include in the `links` section, where you're free to define the `rel` URIs however you see fit. The notion here is that webfinger is offering a mapping from an account name to additional information about that account, so if anything you'd use a `"subject": "acct:SALTY ACCOUNT_REPRESENTATION"` line in the JSON to achieve what you're saying if you don't want to do that via `links`.

matched #ape3gia score:11.56 Search by:
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(#3rhsaxa) @xuu Yeah I see where you're coming from, and if your Salty IM address is on another domain entirely, then yeah... But if for example you have a Yarn and Salty account on the same domain, and both are for example -- I would fully expect to see them both as aliases with respective `rel`(s) no?

matched #atakyfa score:11.56 Search by:
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(#3rhsaxa) @prologic That was exactly my thought at first too. but what do we put as the `rel` for salty account? since it is decentralized we dont have a set URL for machines to key off. so for example take the standard response from okta: ``` # http GET resource==acct:bob { "links": [ { "href": "", "properties": { "okta:idp:type": "OKTA" }, "rel": "", "titles": { "und": "example" } } ], "subject": "acct:bob" } ``` It gives one link that follows the OpenID login. So the details are specific to the subject `acct:bob`. Mastodons response: ``` { "subject": "", "aliases": [ "", "" ], "links": [ { "rel": "", "type": "text/html", "href": "" }, { "rel": "self", "type": "application/activity+json", "href": "" }, { "rel": "" } ] } ``` it supplies a profile page and a `self` which are both specific to that account.

matched #j5tc3xa score:11.56 Search by:
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