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@rsdoiel @prologic (#2utweua) Maybe a bit offtopic, but: If I pull's feed, change its URL and sync the changed file back into, will the feed in the pod retain the new URL? Even if then I keep editing the feed by posting into it using the pod?

matched #4ky3zba score:11.57 Search by:
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(#2utweua) @rsdoiel Don't worry, I've used IRC for over 25years and counting now ๐Ÿ˜… Its still the best open communications medium around really ๐Ÿคฃ Just head over to and follow the links. I _tried_ to make it easy by linking the Libera Web Chat client ๐Ÿ‘Œ

matched #apnogia score:11.57 Search by:
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(#2utweua) @rsdoiel Where is your Github feed you're mirroring? ๐Ÿค” The only reason for "dupes" is the way hashes are calculated. They are based on what's called a "Hashing URI", essentially the first `# url = ` field in your feed's metadata. I _think_ (but would have to confirm) that if you're trying to sync your Github hosted `twtxt.txt` feed to your feed (on my pod), if you have a `# url =` field in your Github side that isn't the same value as your feed on your feed, then you'll end up with dupes. You _can_ have multiple `# url =` fields, but the first one is used as the "Hashing URI" and if you're syncing, it **must** be the same on both sides.

matched #iog6kwq score:11.57 Search by:
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(#2utweua) Does this make sense? ๐Ÿค” In fact I _probably_ wouldn't have any Metadata on your Github feed side at all, just delete it and re-sync (after fixing the dupes), and then help me add some additional features to add additional KV pairs to your feed's Metadata in `yarnd` (the backend for ๐Ÿ™

matched #n6qc5tq score:11.57 Search by:
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(#2utweua) Hmmm, I not understanding something. I'm pretty sure this is pilot error on my part. 1. I changed the metadata (url =) in my copy twtxt.txt to match the and ran `yarnc sync twtxt.txt` locally. Still propagating duplicates (most duplicates have no hash) 2. Replaced my local twtxt.txt file with contents of cleaned up duplicates, commit change to Github, ran `yarnc sync twtxt.txt`. Propogating duplicates still. In the web UI of I don't see a "delete" button to remove duplicates. In the curled twtxt.txt file there is odd formatting. The text would wrap to a new line and occasionally this would run into one of the duplicate post's timestamps (i.e. no newline between previous post and next post). Garbage in garbage out maybe?

matched #o3f7m2q score:11.57 Search by:
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