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(#111932364749112076) Before the #ilovefs day ends, I also want to express my love for @ardour and thank its developers. This past year was one when I was able to get more musically active. It saw two #kokori releases (an album and a participation in a compilation), with one more yet to come - and that was only possible thanks to @ardour, so THANK YOU! :ablobcatheart: :blobcathearttrans: A picture taken in a dark studio, a keyboard in front of the source of light: a screen where ardour can be seen in use, with two midi tracks on it.

matched #ip4twqq score:13.24 Search by:
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(#111932364749112076) Before the #ilovefs day ends, I also want to express my love for and thank its developers. This past year was one when I was able to get more musically active. It saw two #kokori releases (an album and a participation in a compilation), with one more yet to come - and that was only possible thanks to, so THANK YOU! :ablobcatheart: :blobcathearttrans: A picture taken in a dark studio, a keyboard in front of the source of light: a screen where ardour can be seen in use, with two midi tracks on it.

matched #p2wr3ka score:13.24 Search by:
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