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(#lxe2kdq) @prologic > If you turn β€œsocial media” into this dopamine drive cesspool full of likes, boosts, reshares and so forth, you basically end up abusing the worst parts of humanity. πŸ‘ There is such a problem. And for some reason it's not being addressed at all. The Pinafore web client for Mastodon, for example, has settings designed to reduce the addictive or disturbing aspects of social media. They can hide the number of subscribers, reposts, or hide notifications. It certainly doesn't solve the problem, but at least someone paid attention to it.

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(#nswpp4a) @prologic Hi 😊 Good to see you again! In general things are good, a little tired of the covid restrictions and I am insanely upset by the global chip shortage because of this good computer hardware becomes less available + the ruble exchange rate is storming. How about you, what's new? I periodically glance over here at twtxt )

matched #cc7rk5q score:10.91 Search by:
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