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(#zrpwznq) @eaplmx why a book specifically, rather than just a tutorial series? curious about how difficult it is? or just a generic "I want this, idk why"? the only problem I see is that books should, in theory, be as correct and clear as possible, since with physical copies you can't really correct it afterwards, which takes the majority of time, making sure it's structured well, spelled well, doesn't have any mistakes, etc, have others proofread it, and then need an errata and/or a second version ANYWAY after people find something weird ;p but also I got no real experience, so don't get discouraged ;P

matched #27kx2jq score:10.73 Search by:
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(#jfstoxa) I guess there might be an alternate world where corporations decided to instead of repeating echo-chambers, to base their platforms on finding new and cool stuff, keeping the engagement through cool facts and showing off skilled people, instead of seeing the same gif/theory/whatever content for the 200th time that year

matched #2oe76ea score:10.73 Search by:
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(#jfstoxa) @prologic there's a great quote about it > think of how dumb the average person is. now realize that half the people are dumber than that. what internet has done is just given those people a worldwide presence and allow them to confirm each other's broken views, and group together on platforms which prioritize making money over truth, discovery, or mental health

matched #agw3oba score:10.73 Search by:
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(#yiuclda) @maya too bad that's pretty much impossible, unless you make something like that...dissenter I think it's called? that adds a "comments section for every website" which only others using it can see, and then try to keep up with categorizing everything... because people already often don't read rules of any given space, and any dedicated site is doomed to obscurity, even if you manage brief flashes of popularity through aggregator sites 'n stuff collaborative approaches are also prone to vandalism, and set teams can get overwhelmed, or overly opinionated, etc problems also

matched #bhk3myq score:10.73 Search by:
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(#jfstoxa) also I tend to use more bare sentences and still get good results ;p e.g. "python inline for" instead of "how to write for loop in one line in python" (correct answer would be list comprehension), or "prime minister of lithuania" instead of "who is current prime minister of lithuania", a lot of it it just fluff that's discarded anyway

matched #ciwqudq score:10.73 Search by:
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(#djb7lbq) it was something pretty simple too iirc but CPP is better any day I could prolly fix the includes by using post-proccessed files instead, and have a include() macro that selects file with the extention matching the target markup, like header.gmi for gemini and header.html for html, automatically

matched #cl5e2kq score:10.73 Search by:
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(#jfstoxa) @prologic problem is the only alternative people see is either paywall things up, or use cryptominers in the browser or such and both are bad, if paywall, even if super cheap, you're gonna be limited to only a couple sites, donations rarely cover even the base costs, unless REALLY significant project, cryptominers usually crank cpu/gpu to the max and as such kill their lifespan and waste power, etc etc it's pretty hard to come up with a better system that doesn't lose too much money, and keeps income reasonably steady and positive enough to be profitable

matched #d42qlxq score:10.73 Search by:
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