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I just noticed a bug in my twtxt client's twt publish form – luckily just before submitting. Why on earth make it most programming languages so easy to misuse their damn date time APIs!? On today's episode we have Python's `datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(second=0, microsecond=0).astimezone().isoformat()` which is not what we want, it's actually `, microsecond=0).astimezone().isoformat()` instead. The former gives us the time in UTC and thus is off by an hour in my case: `2021-01-03T23:30:00+01:00` vs. what I'm really after: `2021-01-04T00:30:00+01:00`

matched #uj2oxcq score:0.26 Search by:
…gic (#uj2oxcq) On a side note, is it just an operator error or is there actually a bug in one of your clients? You replied to the broken URL `https://lyse.isobeef.orgd/user/lyse/twtxt.txt`, which look…

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