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(#ytmfkfq) @prologic Speaking about networking: I think we did not yet have internet access back then. šŸ¤” There were local mailboxes / BBS systems, but I only really remember browsing the web with Windows 95. šŸ¤” Memories are pretty fuzzy, though. That machine you see in the photos is not the original setup. I re-installed this around 2007, I think.

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(#okvr5aa) @fastidious > The kind of exposure I referred to was developers. Skilled individuals that could join, and/or contribute to the project. Yarn needs that kind of exposure. That, I understand. šŸ˜ƒ I just donā€™t think that youā€™ll get that *just because* itā€™s hosted on GitHub. Hmm, maybe Iā€™m misunderstanding or misusing the word ā€œexposureā€. šŸ¤” Sorry. What I mean by ā€œexposureā€: You make a painting and hang it on a wall of your apartment = little exposure, just the people that visit you at your home will see it. If you show the painting at an exhibition where thereā€™s 10 other paintings and lots of visitors = large exposure. However, if there are 1000 other paintings at that exhibition = much less exposure, because it wonā€™t stick out that much. To me, GitHub is like an exhibition of paintings but *everyone* can show up at any time and put their painting there, so thereā€™s a *vast* number of paintings and *your* painting will hardly be noticed by anybody. So the mere fact that youā€™re at an exhibition doesnā€™t mean that youā€™ll get lots of exposure. I mean, I have discovered literally zero projects just because theyā€™re on GitHub. I wouldnā€™t even know how that works. When I log into GitHub, I see this: First page of GitHub Only the stuff on the right where it say ā€œexplore repositoriesā€ is *new* to me. And itā€™s completely random ā€“ the chance of Yarn showing up there is basically zero. The rest, I already know about it. So how will I discover new and interesting projects that I never heard about? Am I supposed to visit the ā€œstarsā€ pages of the people that I follow and then check out those repos? And look at the list of followers of those people? šŸ¤” I donā€™t see how this is going to work out. Alright, thereā€™s one thing: If one of the people that I follow ā€œstarsā€ a repo, Iā€™ll get notified about that. Maybe something interesting shows up there. That depends *a lot* on which people youā€™re following, though, and there is absolutely no guarantee that something interesting is going to ever show up. *But!* @prologic already mentioned in the past that itā€™s different for him. Apparently, he *does* discover new projects on GitHub. So *maybe* Iā€™m just not getting that platform and maybe Iā€™m just using it wrong. Thatā€™s totally possible! šŸ¤”

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