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@prologic @mckinley @xuu (#7625tqq) That is the one. I used it before. Did some tests early on and wasn't impressed. The video calls lagged a bit. Perhaps they have improved it. I also would like to look into what happened with the ownership you mentioned. The last thing I want is to switch all family members to another Whatsapp.

matched #ofebwkq score:10.97 Search by:
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(#7625tqq) And donā€™t get me started on the fact that they try to push you to use THEIR server. Yeah, great, you CAN run Matrix on your own server, but you always have to explain to users that they first have to open the ā€œadvanced server settingsā€ or whatever they call it, and enter their credentials there ā€¦ This is my mistake, in part, because I want to run our server WITHOUT federation. Just a chat for us! This is possible, but against Matrixā€™s design.

matched #thma7fa score:10.97 Search by:
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(#7625tqq) @prologic @antonio @xuu Personally, I don't trust smartphones not to give information to companies interested in that sort of thing. Most code they run is proprietary, so it's difficult to know. Monitoring network traffic only goes so far. Better to avoid the suspicious proprietary software altogether if you can, in my opinion.

matched #tjdd3aq score:10.97 Search by:
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(#7625tqq) @antonio @mckinley @prologic i did use Wireapp for a little bit. it is pretty polished and doesnt rely on phone numbers for connecting. The ownership had some shady changes but im not sure it ever led to issues in the security model.

matched #yl5tvlq score:10.97 Search by:
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