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@antonio @movq @prologic (#7625tqq) Yeah, I got Synapse running and federating, but it was a bit tricky with my reverse proxy set-up. It isn't public, though, and I couldn't imagine my family using it or Element! Tech support nightmare! @xuu mentioned Session, which does look promising (minus the crypto-currency eco disaster).

matched #jsmge2q score:10.97 Search by:
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(#7625tqq) @movq @prologic I read somewhere that Signal is considering removing the phone number requirement. Hopefully this will be a option for you soon. I also wish Matrix has easier for normal users. To setup the server I used Yunohost and it was really easy, even with federation.

matched #iofunba score:10.97 Search by:
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@prologic (#7625tqq) Funny thing is, it was pretty easy to get the Matrix server (Synapse) going on my OpenBSD box: Install a package, run one initialization command, maybe edit the generated config, put a reverse proxy in front of it, done. (Granted, I donā€™t use federation, maybe thatā€™s harder.) // As for Signal: They say you have to install it on a smartphone before you can use it on a desktop machine. So, what, my account is tied to my phone number? If thatā€™s true, then I wonā€™t use it. Or maybe *only* for our family chat room. I simply donā€™t want to run around with my phone number stapled to my forehead. >

matched #m6yah7a score:10.97 Search by:
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(#7625tqq) To be honest with you, I don't _really_ like Matrix at all. I _think_ they made some fatal mistakes in their design, architecture and user experience IHMO. I _agree_ with you, the UI is utter garbage. Worse yet is their "server implementation", it's actually quite hard to get up and running to the point where I couldn't even be bothered spending the time. For my family/friends I just recommend Signal šŸ‘Œ

matched #gjnfxwa score:10.97 Search by:
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(#7625tqq) And donā€™t get me started on the fact that they try to push you to use THEIR server. Yeah, great, you CAN run Matrix on your own server, but you always have to explain to users that they first have to open the ā€œadvanced server settingsā€ or whatever they call it, and enter their credentials there ā€¦ This is my mistake, in part, because I want to run our server WITHOUT federation. Just a chat for us! This is possible, but against Matrixā€™s design.

matched #thma7fa score:10.97 Search by:
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