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(#ck25fya) the server itself is on a Raspberry Pi 3+. Probably the worst internet setup for a public server ever, but its been fine in my testing. Its even loading fine for me on my phone and I'm out and about at the moment, so I dont know why its not loading for others unless its a DNS propergation thing.

matched #pxxchxa score:11.2 Search by:
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(#ck25fya) a simple Makefile for forwarding internet to your local machine: ``` SSH_HOST= PRIV_KEY=~/.ssh/id_ed25519 forward: LOCAL_PORT=$(HOST_PORT); sh -c "$(shell http --form POST $(SSH_HOST) pub=@$(PRIV_KEY).pub | grep ^ssh | head -1 | awk '{ print "ssh -T -p " $$4 " " $$5 " -R " $$7 " -i $(PRIV_KEY)" }')" ```

matched #retxjla score:11.2 Search by:
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