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On #mask wearing and #covid19 -- From my local Archery club: > Members must have a mask in their possession and are required to wear the mask whenever they can't social distance. > Masks are not required (to be worn) on the shooting line. This is __not__ the club's fault, they're just following the directions of QLD Government's health department. I'm just going to link to this video again 🤣

matched #4osaaga score:7.99 Search by:
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Face Shields Ineffective at Trapping Aerosols, Says Japanese Supercomputer - Slashdot > A simulation using Fugaku, the world's fastest supercomputer, found that almost 100% of airborne droplets of less than 5 micrometres in size escaped through plastic visors of the kind often used by people working in service industries. One micrometre is one millionth of a metre. #covid19 #masks

matched #nxgm73q score:7.99 Search by:
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(#112593558700116065) "Los síntomas siguen siendo los mismos (tos, algo de fiebre, debilidad muscular, estornudos en algunas ocasiones, dolor de cabeza) y las medidas para prevenirlo no han cambiado: mejor aire libre que interiores masificados, buena ventilación, mascarillas en caso de síntomas o para personas vulnerables cuando tengan interacciones sociales." #COVID19 #Spain #mask

matched #2qk4puq score:5.65 Search by:
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