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Had a nice chat tonight with @prologic, @ocdtrekkie, and @taigrr. Some things we talked about today: - The release of yarnd 0.15 - Packaging apps for Sandstorm - SSD performance - KVM on WSL - Mitigating smart home spyware for in-store demos - - Google's policies around using external code - The whirlpool currently taking place at Twitter Also, we discovered an interesting statistic in the call tonight. 100% of technology enthusiasts have at least one Raspberry Pi, but only 25% of technology enthusiasts use them for anything. (it's @taigrr)

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(#53yowaa) @prologic @taigrr I've never bothered to track down *why* my computer wants to reboot and why the live patch thing didn't prevent the need to. If I had the time/inclination that'd be illuminating. Being an Oldโ„ข who has used Linux since 1996 (!!!), I've grown weary of providing free beta testing to the Linux community, though, so I tend to just suffer through annoying things rather than try to track them down and fix them.

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