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@jlj @darch @eldersnake @search_social (#rc7tt5a) I kind of tend to agree, I've never really thought a "notification" system would provide a lot of value per se, it would just either a) become too annoying or b) become addictive or both. Is the idea behind the "15m", "1h" etc basically a "time since last post on timeline" and "time since you were last mentioned"? I _assume_ these are not dynamic (_requiring Javascript_)? ๐Ÿค”

matched #mctwttq score:5.62 Search by:
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@search_social @prologic (#xa5rzva) Interesting. I mean, in my case, the battle was lost: that particular bill didn't pass -- because the parliamentary session ended; nothing to do with us or our efforts -- but a different bill of similar effect was passed, a few years later.

matched #shwgq4q score:7.95 Search by:
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