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(#susfkia) But remember we still have ignorant fools down under trying to pass a new bill into law News and Media Bargaining Code. We've even had the inventor of the World Wide Web (WWW) or just Web, Tim Berners-Lee , come out and say here: > Australian Law Could Make Internet ā€˜Unworkableā€™...

matched #34s3fba score:11.78 Search by:
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@jlj (#susfkia) Ahh I see! Itā€™s interesting thatā€™s for sure, but isnā€™t the only thing Iā€™ve seen like this... I also believe ā€œidentityā€ should be your own and decentralized, problem is thatā€™s quite hard to do šŸ¤£ I just find many of these p2p ā€œthingsā€ to be a bit too complicated, many of them using either complex protocols like ActivityPub requiring complex software or DHT(s) requiring a PhD in math šŸ˜‚

matched #hoh3i3a score:11.78 Search by:
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(#susfkia) Hmmm šŸ¤” couple of critisisms... > We think the internet canā€™t be saved. The way things are going, MEGACORP will always control our apps and services because we can no longer run them This is simply not true as evidenced by you guys all running pods šŸ˜ Second, it looks like this is still tied to a centralized identity network.

matched #jtgwela score:11.78 Search by:
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@prologic (#susfkia) Valid. :-) And, yeah, what about Yarn, folks? :-D It's more that I've been on the mailing list for a year now, and, with this recent rewrite of the docs, for the first time I finally see how I might be able to participate -- talk about obtuse!

matched #lk7tlpa score:11.78 Search by:
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