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I recently learned that our Australian Liberal National Party, spent 10's of thousands of dollars on a campaign involving flyers posted around the suburbs (_localities_) of our local Greens federal member, Elizabeth Watson Brown. Not only was the material produced by the LNP party, distributed and paid for by the LNP party, full of lies, but they had the audacity to make the "flyers" _appear_ as though they were from the Greens themselves! πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ wtf?! #Politics #Sucks

matched #cfkqcvq score:8.23 Search by:
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(#utiklzq) How about we put a pin in the "AI" garbage (Gemini included) until we've figured out how to make build a system that has any level of cognitive capability and understanding of concepts? Let's toss this autocomplete garbage in the bin, the auto-complete we've built over the last few decades works great and consumes next to no energy at all. This so-called 'AI" is worse than the fucking Cryptocurrency hyped up craze in terms of energy waste. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ #AI #Sucks

matched #mi2arpq score:6.72 Search by:
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Fix NBN in my Suburb - Elizabeth Watson-Brown MP -- For all you aussies in and around the part of the world I live in and surrounds, including other states and jurisdictions, think about sending the NBN Minster an email and put pressure on NBN to get this god forsaken country up-to-speed with the rest of the modern world, with actual fibre to the premise! 🀣 #NBN #Sucks

matched #ksfqbkq score:8.23 Search by:
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what da flying fuq is this `about:blank#blocked` page I'm now seeing on some things, like the `` feed from feeds ?! 😳 c'mon Googleβ„’ fuck you seriously. Stop making arbitrary stupid decisions about things you have no idea about. -- Anyone know how to fix this? πŸ€” #Google #Chrome #sucks

matched #ffh253a score:6.72 Search by:
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(#h47bdrq) @will This is 100% right. We peddle all this "misinformation" bullshit, but what we don't realize is that these algorithms are designed with one goal in mind: > Driving up engagement The sad truth about this is that one of the best ways to drive up engagement with so much of the human population is to show them content that elicits anger, rage or some other extreme emotion. But they (Facebook, Meta, TikTok, Twitter, Instragram, etc) all know this. There are countless insider reports and leaks that show that all the execs behind the "bullshit" social media "platforms" know this all to well. They will continue to abuse human psychology until it becomes illegal and it costs them their business. 😒 🀬 #BigTech #SocialMedia #Sucks

matched #6quv5fa score:5.82 Search by:
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