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(#dtbqo7q) @antonio Yeah I mean if Twitter™ rebuilt their app on Bluesky, **and** all (_or almost all_) Twitter™ users migrated to other Bluesky compatible platforms/servers/instances/whatever, would Twitter™ have enough users left to continue to fund their advertising based business model? 🤔 Or did I _somehow_ miss the point of Bluesky and _maybe_ there is some mechanisms for "monetization" in there?

matched #2irpsca score:11.84 Search by:
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(#dtbqo7q) Maybe it's just me but I _think_ we need to keep things simple, allow humans to do the "thinking" and "choosing". It's far too easy to get into situations where you have all of the problems created by the big traditional social media platforms with Likes, Retweets, Trending, Immutable content (_it never goes away_), Top Heavy (_millions of followers_), etc.

matched #cmiez7a score:11.84 Search by:
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@antonio (#dtbqo7q) Yeah I _believe_ I recall someone saying that it's not about having algorithms or not having algorithms. That person stated that even sorting a timeline chronologically is an algorithm. I _think_ we have to define very clearly what algorithms means for social media and how they can be used and abused. I've thought about it a lot, and I still _believe_ that even doing simple things like showing a "Trending" section of Twts where there's a lot of twts being tagged with #foo is a bad idea.

matched #syq7rvq score:8.37 Search by:
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