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(#112666693387922285) #June 's #readchristie2024 is "And Then There Were None", one of the most exquisite Christie novels. In the picture, a Portuguese and an English editions - in Portuguese the #book title was translated to "Convite para a Morte" (invitation to death). #bookstodon On the left, the Portuguese edition, from Colecção Vampiro. In the cover, death holds a quill ansd a balance, wears a cape and has a gramophone as its head. On the right, an English edition. In the cover, stormy waves wash the island's cliff, with seagulls flying nearby.

matched #hd2t5fq score:4.27 Search by:
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(#112666693387922285) #June 's #readchristie2024 is "And Then There Were None", one of the most exquisite Christie novels. In the picture, a Portuguese and an English editions - in Portuguese the #book title was translated to "Convite para a Morte" (invitation to death). #bookstodon On the left, the Portuguese edition, from Colecção Vampiro. In the cover, death holds a quill ansd a balance, wears a cape and has a gramophone as its head. On the right, an English edition. In the cover, stormy waves wash the island's cliff, with seagulls flying nearby.

matched #yurgc3a score:4.27 Search by:
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(#112343305123858004) "Murder at the Vicarage" is the #readchristie2024 #book for #April and #Marple's first novel. #bookstodon ![The first two translations to Continental Portuguese of this book gave it different titles: "Crime na Aldeia" (Crime in the Village) and "Encontro com um assassino" (Encounter with a murderer). This picture shows both, side by side.]()

matched #323qm2q score:3.9 Search by:
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(#112343305123858004) "Murder at the Vicarage" is the #readchristie2024 #book for #April and #Marple's first novel. #bookstodon ![The first two translations to Continental Portuguese of this book gave it different titles: "Crime na Aldeia" (Crime in the Village) and "Encontro com um assassino" (Encounter with a murderer). This picture shows both, side by side.]()

matched #3ys4fcq score:3.9 Search by:
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