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@lazarus @prologic (#bai3sla) This wellknown mechanism seems like a nice thing. But I only know it from OIDC and Let's Encrypt. I personally don't care so much about these "handles". Twtxt just says, you need a public file and a nick, that's all. As @movq pointed out, some clients understand `# nick = foobar` comments in the feed. So, not sure, what the wellknown here would actually bring new to the plate. Rewriting URLs definitely breaks twtxt mentions, that's for sure.

matched #2e3zlzq score:11.4 Search by:
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@lyse @prologic (#bai3sla) For example I have currently running a Matrix server here with the following `server { server_name; ... location /.well-known/matrix/server { return 200 '{ "m.server": ""}'; ... } location /.well-known/matrix/client { return 200 '{"m.homeserver": {"base_url": ""}}'; ...` This allows the user handle to be instead of where Synapse is running.

matched #p3n2lpq score:11.4 Search by:
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(#bai3sla) @prologic So it works for @lyse and @movq because they are just hosting a twtxt file and not a pod? They can still have landing page for their website and have their handle at the domain.tld level this way. It's not a big issue for me, was just wondering if it were possible to make use of a .well-known in nginx.

matched #nxiqglq score:11.4 Search by:
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@lazarus (#bai3sla) In plain twtxt, none of this is really specified. ๐Ÿ˜ข That part of the protocol is not so great. In plain twtxt, *my followers* must configure that the URL belongs to the username โ€œmovqโ€. So it has to be done manually. ๐Ÿ˜ข That being said, you can put a `# nick = foobar` at the top of your feed and *some* clients will pick it up and show this as your nick. All the `@username@yarn.domain.tld` stuff that you see in is actually just a Yarn convention โ€“ maybe @prologic can tell you more about how exactly that works. ๐Ÿ™‚

matched #ecfr7oa score:11.4 Search by:
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(#bai3sla) @prologic @movq How can you specify your handle? Do other sites recognise it depending where the twtxt.txt is located? e.g. Can I host a pod publicly at yarn.domain.tld but have the yarn handle just as ` @username@domain.tld instead of @username@yarn.domain.tld ` I mean, from the perspective of everyone else. I realise the profile will still be viewable at yarn.domain.tld/user/username

matched #jvdwgha score:11.4 Search by:
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@lazarus @eldersnake @jlj @lyse @movq @xjix @xuu @adi (#bai3sla) ๐Ÿ’ฏ ๐Ÿ™‡โ€โ™‚๏ธ

matched #psp6d6a score:11.4 Search by:
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@lazarus (#bai3sla) Right now you need to only host a `twtxt.txt` file like this one and an `avatar.png` like this one sorry @movq I used you as an example ๐Ÿ˜‚ As you can see @movq doesn't even run a pod actually (`yarnd`); but nonetheless he is part of the network at large because that's what we've built upon, Also note the metadata at the top of his feed, this is also important ๐Ÿ‘Œ

matched #wctdseq score:11.4 Search by:
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