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(#utiklzq) How about we put a pin in the "AI" garbage (Gemini included) until we've figured out how to make build a system that has any level of cognitive capability and understanding of concepts? Let's toss this autocomplete garbage in the bin, the auto-complete we've built over the last few decades works great and consumes next to no energy at all. This so-called 'AI" is worse than the fucking Cryptocurrency hyped up craze in terms of energy waste. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ #AI #Sucks

matched #mi2arpq score:6.89 Search by:
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(#112643562323837503) Next time you read or hear about someone claiming that a certain #AI tool is #Open (including those that claim to be Open themselves, or the tools that even have 'open' in their name or their companies' name), remember to check where they stand in here: Spoiler alert: there is no Open AI. #OpenWashing

matched #fdh7zjq score:5.97 Search by:
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(#112643562323837503) Next time you read or hear about someone claiming that a certain #AI tool is #Open (including those that claim to be Open themselves, or the tools that even have 'open' in their name or their companies' name), remember to check where they stand in here: Spoiler alert: there is no Open AI. #OpenWashing

matched #h6biecq score:5.97 Search by:
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**Useful chat GPT prompts for startups** 10 Useful Chat GPT Prompts for startups and businesses #chatgpt #chatgptai #ai #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur #startups -How can our company improve customer satisfaction? \- What are the top trends in [industry] for 2021? \- How can we increase website traffic and conversions? \- What are some ways to reduce costs and increase profitability? \- How can we improve our team’s communication and collaboration? \- What best practices are for creating an effective lead generation st ... ⌘ Read more

matched #z64vpqq score:4.88 Search by:
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