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(#112022583246628702) A new month? On a #Friday? It's time for #fridayreads, and since we're now in #March, it is also time to start the #MarchMysteryMadness! And of course, I am still doing #readchristie2024, this month's #book being "The Blue Train", which not only is a #mystery (duh!), but also fit for MMM's first prompt, "dressed to the nines". #bookstodon The first Portuguese edition of Agatha Christie's "The Mystery of the Blue Train"

matched #duu4a5q score:4.24 Search by:
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A new month? On a #Friday? It's time for #fridayreads, and since we're now in #March, it is also time to start the #MarchMysteryMadness! And of course, I am still doing #readchristie2024, this month's #book being "The Blue Train", which not only is a #mystery (duh!), but also fit for MMM's first prompt, "dressed to the nines". #bookstodon The first Portuguese edition of Agatha Christie's "The Mystery of the Blue Train"

matched #jryfxuq score:4.5 Search by:
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(#112022583246628702) A new month? On a #Friday? It's time for #fridayreads, and since we're now in #March, it is also time to start the #MarchMysteryMadness! And of course, I am still doing #readchristie2024, this month's #book being "The Blue Train", which not only is a #mystery (duh!), but also fit for MMM's first prompt, "dressed to the nines". #bookstodon The first Portuguese edition of Agatha Christie's "The Mystery of the Blue Train"

matched #wekorxq score:4.24 Search by:
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(#112022583246628702) A new month? On a #Friday? It's time for #fridayreads, and since we're now in #March, it is also time to start the #MarchMysteryMadness! And of course, I am still doing #readchristie2024, this month's #book being "The Blue Train", which not only is a #mystery (duh!), but also fit for MMM's first prompt, "dressed to the nines". #bookstodon The first Portuguese edition of Agatha Christie's "The Mystery of the Blue Train"

matched #ygqhkmq score:4.24 Search by:
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