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@rell (re Alex Echo) Normally I would love to be the recipient of _freebies_, however over the years I have grown rather tired of all this "big brother" from Tech Giants like #Amazon #Google #Facebook and #Microsoft (_Note that #Apple is excluded from this list because their business model __does not__ include selling your data for advertising_) that ultimately profit off of the "Digital Footprint" you leave _happily_ just hand over to them (_well I guess it's in their T&C when you signed up!_). So thank you but no thank you 🙇‍♂️ Not fo me! But _maybe_ others _might_!

matched #bfjywoa score:5.34 Search by:
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(#2qrxmla) Wow! 😲 What a nicely written first Twt Blog Post! I had to get Google to translate for me "YELLOW GOOD SELF, TAKE GOOD SELF" (_no idea if that's even correct or does it justice!_). Nice write up! I _really_ hope (_despite your first paragraph_) you continue to write more! I really agree that we (_as a society_) at large have "forgotten" how to have meaningful discourse! (_Thanks #Facebook #Twitter #Instagram #TikTok #LinkedIn and all the others..._). Hopefully what we've done here will go _just that little_ bit towards brining back what we lost (_or simply gave up!_).

matched #c3v62gq score:4.88 Search by:
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💡 Has anyone (_anywhere_) done any studies on the cost to consumers of all of these large-scale advertising business model driven companies (_especially in the web/tech industry_)? 🤔 #Boycott #Google #Facebook #Amazon #Twitter #TikTok #Instagram #Youtube (_although I don't mind sponsorships_)

matched #cat2wga score:4.22 Search by:
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