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**RT by @mind_booster: #IPCC Synthesis Report is now available via the report microsite at #ClimateChange #AR6** #IPCC Synthesis Report is now available via the report microsite at #ClimateChange #AR6 ![]( ... ⌘ Read more

matched #gplwrta score:7.01 Search by:
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**RT by @mind_booster: β€œThis is the greatest crisis humanity has ever faced β€” it is undeniable that drastic action must be taken. All that's left to do is to decide which side of history we want to be on.” #JustStopOil #NoNewOil #NoNewCoal #EnoughIsEnough #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange** β€œThis is the greatest crisis humanity has ever faced β€” it is undeniable that drastic action must be taken. All that's left to do is to decide which side of history we want to be on.” [#JustStopOil]( ... ⌘ Read more

matched #qfgwoea score:4.96 Search by:
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The teenagers and the nun trying to stop an Australian coal mine - BBC News My next door neighbor shares this piece with me πŸ‘Œ > "It's the argument that if this particular coal project didn't go ahead, it wouldn't make a difference to the total amount of emissions because effectively the market would fulfill that demand. That's otherwise known as the drug dealer's defence - it's the idea that 'If I don't deal drugs then somebody else will.'" 😳 Our Government needs to hire better lawyers πŸ˜‚ Congrats to Ms Sharma πŸ‘ Job well done! πŸ™‡β€β™‚οΈ I guess we _really_ can make a difference if we try πŸ₯³ I _hope_ the Australian government's appeal **FAILS** 🀞 #Australia #ClimateChange #2021

matched #4nm5xya score:7.01 Search by:
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COP26: Fossil fuel industry has largest delegation at climate summit - BBC News Campaigners led by Global Witness assessed the participant list published by the UN at the start of this meeting. > They found that 503 people with links to fossil fuel interests had been accredited for the climate summit. > > These delegates are said to lobby for oil and gas industries, and campaigners say they should be banned. 🀬 #climatechange #cop26

matched #4iu7x7a score:8.59 Search by:
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