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Just heard on the radio this rather stupid campaign from the Australian Liberal party: > A strong economy won't be easy under Albanese How fucking dumb do these liberals think we are?! πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ Resorting to rhyming?! Seriously?! 🀣 The Liberals have fucked Australia over for far too long! Vote anything **but** Liberals! Kick the Liberals out!!! #Australian #Politics #LiberalsSuck

matched #q2nvjmq score:6.95 Search by:
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Victorian Liberal MP Wendy Lovell chastised for saying children in social housing β€˜cannot mix’ in wealthy areas | Victorian politics | The Guardian I _really_ hate how we have basically "double standards". It's apparently okay for a Federal MP to (allegdly) have outbursts or prediceseness, but it's not okay for us to criticise the government without fear of (falsely) being sued for damormation?! πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ #Australian #Politics #Sucks

matched #yzkkf5q score:6.95 Search by:
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You're right @ullarah I just watched Australia Post Outrage: Did She Need To Go? and I do _believe_ I'll start adding this to my "watchlist" -- I don't use Youtube specifically (_because privacy eroding garbage_); but the content this guy produces is awesome! πŸ‘Œ Scotty from marketing really needs to be fired! Can we even fire Prime Ministers besides calling an election? πŸ€” The more you dig into our #Australian #Government the more you realize just how fucking corrupt they all are and have been over so many years. How?! πŸ€¦β€

matched #buwspta score:8.51 Search by:
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(#gupeqha) ... You should watch more of #friendlyjordies 's videos, especially the ones about John Barilaro . Also for another recent example watch NSW Police: Utterly Compromised. This is what's completely and utterly wrong with our bullshit of a government. Our government has especially gotten worse in the last few years alone with their totalitarian rule and recent bills passed without even so much as a public opinion. #Australian #Government

matched #dgf6q4a score:6.02 Search by:
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(#rmi4uwa) Meanwhile #Australian #LNP promises lower tax rates and a $300 registration rebate on vehicles?! 😳 πŸ“· Big whoop! Why don’t you do something useful and promise to plant more trees bring manufacturing back home and finish rolling out fibre to the home like you promised years ago! πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

matched #kg4z4fq score:6.95 Search by:
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(#rmi4uwa) So basically the #Australian #LNP (_Australian Liberal National Party_) is breaking several laws by sending me unsolicited text messages (#SMS) to my personal mobile phone. This is all covered in the Spam Act. 2003 where you have to a) Have consent and b) Provide an "unsubscribe" method. Both of which are in violation here. Good on you #LNP -- Nice to see that politicians and political parties can _behave_ as-if they are above the law.

matched #evl6wca score:5.38 Search by:
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I keep getting spammed (_via SMS text messages to my phone_) by the Australian Liberal Party (LNP) 😳 I'm very pissed about this. Not only is the number that ways "message `STOP` to blah blah blah" is an invalid number (_you phone it and it's actually disconnected!_) 😳 Worse yet, their own website is actually down! Good luck trying to contact them to stop the SPAM! πŸ“· #Australian #LNP #Sucks

matched #2smtoda score:6.95 Search by:
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