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(#nl4x36q) πŸ“£ **PSA:** To all my fellow aussies πŸ‘‹ When you go to vote in the next couple of weeks, for the love of all that is good in the god forsaken country, **DO NOT** vote Liberal and any party with preferences to Liberal **last**. Please let's not continue to screw this country over and burn it to the ground with the _absolute_ corrupt Australian Liberal Party. #Australia πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

matched #o4dyqsa score:7.95 Search by:
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#2022 is going to be the year where we (Australians) start to have non-shit political parties in power and do things like: - Actually give a fuck about the climate - Shut Down coal power plants - Shut Down coal and gas miens - Stop fracking our goddamn country - Start replanting trees and regrow forests here's hoping 🀞 #Australia

matched #owlkexq score:7.95 Search by:
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**WARNING:** Political Twt for local Aussies living in and around the Ryan ellocotre. Voices Ryan - YouTube Interesting set of independent candidates. If I had to say anything at all, it would be that the Greens candidate, Elizabeth is really the only one that makes any sense at all, and probably has the highest chance of making any kind of political impact on this beloved country of ours (Australia) that the Liberals (and very likely Labour) would just see burned to the ground. #Australia #Politics #VoicesOfRyan

matched #4mq2oba score:6.49 Search by:
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The teenagers and the nun trying to stop an Australian coal mine - BBC News My next door neighbor shares this piece with me πŸ‘Œ > "It's the argument that if this particular coal project didn't go ahead, it wouldn't make a difference to the total amount of emissions because effectively the market would fulfill that demand. That's otherwise known as the drug dealer's defence - it's the idea that 'If I don't deal drugs then somebody else will.'" 😳 Our Government needs to hire better lawyers πŸ˜‚ Congrats to Ms Sharma πŸ‘ Job well done! πŸ™‡β€β™‚οΈ I guess we _really_ can make a difference if we try πŸ₯³ I _hope_ the Australian government's appeal **FAILS** 🀞 #Australia #ClimateChange #2021

matched #4nm5xya score:6.49 Search by:
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