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(#112141392622955573) #documentfreedomday is going to be next Wednesday! How is your local free software community going to to celebrate it? More info: ![Me waving (or mostly holding) an ODF flag, outdoors, while wearing a LaTeX sweatshirt. Picture taken during the first day of Document Freedom Day 2013 celebrations in Lisbon.]()

matched #bojd5ja score:4.58 Search by:
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(#112141392622955573) #documentfreedomday is going to be next Wednesday! How is your local free software community going to to celebrate it? More info: ![Me waving (or mostly holding) an ODF flag, outdoors, while wearing a LaTeX sweatshirt. Picture taken during the first day of Document Freedom Day 2013 celebrations in Lisbon.]()

matched #qzwakta score:4.58 Search by:
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(#112141392622955573) #documentfreedomday is going to be next Wednesday! How is your local free software community going to to celebrate it? More info: ![Me waving (or mostly holding) an ODF flag, outdoors, while wearing a LaTeX sweatshirt. Picture taken during the first day of Document Freedom Day 2013 celebrations in Lisbon.]()

matched #yzamnea score:4.58 Search by:
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