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(#p3zk5jq) @will Several of us in the community that run/manage pods (some single-user, others multi-user like my own at got together and discussed this incident. We have agreed that this is in violation of the _default_ Abuse Policy that is applicable to all pods (by default) including my pod's abuse policy. Therefore I have gone and deleted that Twt out of your feed (by hand). As I have no way to contact you (as you provide very little information on your Profile or any way to contact you) I've had to take this action without your prior consent. Please understand that our goals for is to build and maintain a positive culture for as long as we possibly can. Thanks! ๐Ÿ™

matched #rqsv6ka score:9.14 Search by:
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(#nmp7vkq) @tkanos @will (a) the Tesla autopilot has killed people no human would have mistakenly killed; (b) no computer program can make moral decisions, and we should not be moving in the direction of placing trust into machines to do so--the act of trying to offload such decisions is itself an immoral act; (c) it's possible computer vision will never be good enough to drive a car, because driving a car is probably "AI Complete" (meaning a task that requires artificial general intelligence to perform). The fact that people die in car wrecks is therefore not an argument in favor of self-driving cars. It's an argument in favor of public transportation, safety regulations, training, etc.

matched #a3vravq score:6.46 Search by:
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