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(#db3ri3q) @lyse But but, aren’t you a programmer? I thought programmers were machines that convert coffee into code! 🀯 πŸ˜… @marado Now what is *that*? 😳 Disclaimer, I am not a coffee nerd. I know next to nothing about it. πŸ˜…

matched #w3aeufa score:7.5 Search by:
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(#c6yyvda) @marado well, I find that's a problem of leaving that open. Using should vs must. Leaves that to different interpretations. >A status should consist of up to 140 characters, longer status updates are technically possible but discouraged. twtxt will warn the user if a newly composed status update exceeds this limit, and it will also shorten incoming status updates by default.

matched #ee7jksq score:10.6 Search by:
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(#hwp4cqa) @marado didn't know about that holiday, interesting. I don't like to be that radical with DRM, but having a DRM free option is always a requirement to me. It would be interesting to write a bit about DRM free options and why is it convenient for creators and audiences to prefer DRM free products.

matched #3fky3ea score:10.6 Search by:
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(#s5xb57q) @marado It's still a convenient term to use for that category of laws, even if it is more misleading. In case of art you're mostly dealing with copyright, or the license to use the art in some way. Patents and some other laws, one might find under the "intellectual property" umbrella are all good example of things that have value, despite not being physical. Even if somebody wanted to argue against this, it's weird to draw the line between physical art and the rest of it. Would printing out the image or script to a theater play, suddenly give it value, that it didn't have before?

matched #mo4gy6q score:10.6 Search by:
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