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(#kujx7ca) @movq that's actually a really interesting look at it. It seems that most people left the windows platform after XP, missing/skipping the beauty that was Vista 😄. It seems that most Linux users, use their platform for the massive community input/development and the ability to customise it to their explicit taste. I love it, thanks again 😃

matched #wz7tuga score:12.14 Search by:
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(#kujx7ca) I think that Window 11a design is a bit of an improvement over the inconsistent UI mess of Windows 8 - 10. I still have to use a lot of programs for university, that only run on Windows and are straight up impossible to run on an M1 Mac. I'm not blaming Apple for this, just saying that having Mac/Linux as your main machine is still difficult at best and impossible at worse in this country. Windows is about as closed of an ecosystem as Mac and some things can be customized/edited , more than the average user would assume. With the new Microsoft Defender no longer being just a meme and some other security improvements, Windows is no longer as virus riddled as it once was, though it's still no doubt very lacking compared to Linux and Mac in this aspect.

matched #dovsdga score:12.14 Search by:
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(#kujx7ca) @crunched I used Windows up until XP. I originally switched to Linux because of all the security issues in Windows. Since then, though, my view has changed quite a bit. I would never voluntarily use a closed system like Windows (or macOS) again, at least not on my private machines: - I don’t trust closed systems in the slightest way anymore (didn’t care back in the day) and I don’t want to be forced to link my private computer and its activities to some “cloud” account or whatever. - Windows/macOS are commercial systems that constantly try to follow/create new trends/fashion. Not interested in that. - Computers are a hobby of mine. I want to tinker with the system and I want to be able to know exactly how everything works. (This was mostly possible with Windows 3.11 and even Windows 95, and then it gradually got worse with every new release of Windows. Today, it’s a hypercomplex leviathan.) - Since I know Linux very well now, it’s actually much easier for me to use than Windows/macOS. I don’t know, the list probably goes on for a while. 😅 I never really think about this, to be honest. Closed systems are simply not interesting to me (except for the historical ones that I happened to have used as a kid, so they have nostalgic value). Linux and the BSDs are appealing to me, because I know that I can do whatever I want with them.

matched #zfpe5qa score:12.14 Search by:
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(#kujx7ca) @crunched My reason for now using Windows (which I ceased active user of some ~20 years ago) are: - Windows' UX is kind of lame. It hides things from you (the user). It is very difficult to actually do anything remotely useful on besides perhaps Document, Spreadsheet, Browsing the Web and Gaming. - But I can do all those things on pretty much anything else. - Windows is a closed system. Extending it in any useful ways is all "too hard"™ - macOS OTH is a UNIX derivative, I _can_ therefore extend it in ways that are infinitely simpler than Windows ever can. - Windows security model is just utter garbage. Enough said. Shall I go on...? Those are the top off of my list, but I'd honestly have to sit down and remember... 😅 #Windows #Sucks

matched #fv55t7q score:12.14 Search by:
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