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(#2kj5qta) @thecanine Yeah, if something is missing, me, you and everyone else can add anything they might need. It's true that it shares data with chrome since it IS chrome even if installed. Using Cordova should fill the need of physically separate the app from the browser plus adding an API for native interactions and having more control on the output generated. Still, the first step is to have the app working. ๐Ÿ˜œ

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(#2kj5qta) @justamoment That's fair, but if there is a switch, it better also include a "pure square" option, for the square purists like myself. ๐Ÿ˜„ Well correctly made or not, if you "install it" directly from a browser, I don't think it'll be as separate as I'd want it to be (not saving shit into browser history, cookies, fill-ins...). What AppsGeyser does isn't creating a PWA, that's poor wording on my end, but even with well made PWAs, like wrapping the web apps site through AppsGeyser ended up being closer to meeting my needs, than using it the intended way, despite it still being even further from native.

matched #qnjce3a score:10.97 Search by:
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(#2kj5qta) @thecanine I'm more of a circle fan, but everything can be done, it could be a custom option. Your concerns about switching to a webapp are not much to worry about if the PWA is made correctly, Here an example i made when building my ParcelJS setup for my office, if you select "Install App" from the tab options it will install like a normal app. Also AppsGeyser simply wrap with a frame your website, a PWAs is not made that way. To learn more on PWAs check this out.

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