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(#2atsloq) @marado Ahh yeah I remember that Yarn well 👌 It's very frustrating that between large corporations and nations nobody (including Australia who are some of the worst offenders here with lack of climate action) are taking this very seriously 🤦‍♂️ Like can we just stop mining and burning Coal already?! 🤔

matched #66morwq score:11.94 Search by:
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(#2atsloq) @prologic > I thought Germany was a pretty progressive country 🤔 Doesn’t feel like that to me, but of course it depends on which country you’re comparing us to. 😅 I didn’t follow this closely (because I lost all hope when it comes to Germans and their cars), but it looks like this e-fuel stuff is mostly the result of the efforts of *one* party? Or maybe the others like it too and just blame that party for it. 🤣

matched #thypkla score:11.94 Search by:
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**Germany Urges Loophole for EU Ban on Fossil-Fuel Cars: Synthetic Carbon-Captured Fuels** CNN reports: When EU lawmakers voted to ban the sale of new combustion engine cars in the bloc by 2035, it was a landmark victory for climate. In February, the European Parliament approved the law. All that was needed was a rubber stamp from the bloc's political leaders. Then Germany changed its mind. ... ⌘ Read more

matched #2atsloq score:11.94 Search by:
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