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(#vyp5qoq) @prologic wowโ€ฆ I really donโ€™t see the train of thought of making something so simple to implement (specifically SSO) a paid โ€œenterpriseโ€ feature to justify a price point. Hell, I could probably implement the feature in a couple of hours and I have very limited development experience ๐Ÿ˜… They could also re-evaluate the price point then add more features to the paid plan (that ideally add much more value than SSO) and then raising the price when it makes sense to. So many companies do this right now anyway. On the whole paid features for self-hosting, I ran into this issue myself when implementing a SIEM on my network. I initially implemented the Elastic stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) but then they go ahead and lock things like creating detection rules and sending alerts via anything other than email a paid feature ๐Ÿซ  Iโ€™d be much happier if the industry switched to a one time self-hosting service with no support, with the option to purchase support licenses at a monthly cost.

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Big win today! I've only been exposed to using Kusto Query Language (KQL) at work for a month and a half, but I was able to edit a query to include a datatable (essentially a table that's created in memory when you run the query and is only used for that query) to replace any IDs listed in it with the proper name of the service! Baby steps :)

matched #lklgohq score:9.41 Search by:
Anyone have a good way of sneaking out 2 server racks, one with 2x 1U servers, out of work?! Asking for a friend ๐Ÿ˜† On a serious note: I need to find out who to ask about abandoned server racks and servers at work. No ones used them in upwards of 6 months and Iโ€™m the only person with access to the room theyโ€™re stored in ๐Ÿค”

matched #2zzml5q score:9.41 Search by:
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