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(#mna5wlq) In general, I try to use as little dependencies as possible. I rather read a deps source to see how it’s implemented and then implement it myself. But this isn’t enough. Transitive dependencies make everything horrible. For example, that Rust program I mentioned has two direct dependencies, which pull in four transitive ones. So the amount of work, that I have to do to make sure that all those deps don’t screw up, increases rapidly. If that stuff came from my distro, I’d at least have another person to help me with that.

matched #236xcmq score:6.12 Search by:
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@prologic (#wkjlotq) Oh, the URL part is being dropped? I missed that. It makes a lot of sense to do that, so I’ll make the change in jenny soon. 👌 Right now, jenny sometimes has to make up those URLs, because there simply is no cross-platform way of creating them. URLs like `` only exist on, but there’s no equivalent on my web site … so, yeah, that’s probably where those bad links are coming from. I guess we should update accordingly. (Or maybe there’s a PR already, haven’t checked.)

matched #23h7xtq score:6.12 Search by:
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(#q4bk4ta) @lyse Yeah, I used that one quite a bit! 😁 Although not as much as I expected: ``` $ find uni* C -type f -exec grep glutSolidTeapot '{}' '+' 2>/dev/null uni200802WS/CG-Prakt/Bergsee2/GPGPUDemo.cpp: //glutSolidTeapot(1.0); uni200802WS/CG-Prakt/Bergsee/GPGPUDemo.cpp: //glutSolidTeapot(1.0); uni200802WS/CG-2/pub/ShaderAlternate/ShaderAlternate/ShaderAlternate.cpp: case 0: glutSolidTeapot(1.0); break; uni200802WS/CG-2/pub/ShaderBasic/ShaderBasic.cpp: case 0: glutSolidTeapot(1.0); break; uni201102WS/BA-M/CG/testcode/shader2-wobble/shad.cpp: glutSolidTeapot(0.4); uni201102WS/BA-M/CG/testcode/shader1-phong/shad.cpp: glutSolidTeapot(0.4); C/OpenGL/000-archive/Arcball/Arcball.cpp: glutSolidTeapot(1.0); C/OpenGL/000-archive/shader-test/main.cpp: glutSolidTeapot(1.0); C/OpenGL/000-archive/shader-test/glutglsl-unix/ogl.cpp: glutSolidTeapot(1); C/OpenGL/000-archive/ex003/yat.cpp: glutSolidTeapot(0.5); ``` (Probably not all short little test programs with a `glutSolidTeapot()` call in them survived.)

matched #27bkpwa score:6.12 Search by:
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